
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Contest--Follow Me!

My birthday is in three weeks. To celebrate, I've decided I'd like to give myself more followers on this blog. I currently have four, which is two more than I had the last time I checked. Thank you, Elana, Annie, Windsong, and Robin!

To encourage more people to sign up, I'm going to run a little contest. On my birthday, April 28, I will give a $10 Barnes and Noble gift card to a follower of this blog. The follower will be chosen at random by assigning everyone a number and drawing it out of a hat; I'd let Alex draw the number, but either he'll pull out gobs of papers at once or refuse to do it at all. You must be signed up by the morning of the 28th to be eligible. The winner will be announced later that day.

In addition to the above contest, I'd like to encourage people to refer others to this blog. After all, where else on the Internet can you come for one-stop stories about stupid lab tricks (I mean science lab, not the dog), pictures of a cute toddler, Beatlemania for the future, Back on the Blog Chain, and musings about whatever deep topic catches my fancy? So if you convince a friend to follow this blog, ask her to leave a comment telling me who sent her. I'll do another random drawing among all of the people named for another $10 Barnes and Noble gift card. This gift card will also be given away on April 28.

Please let me know if you have any questions about this contest. Good luck to all! In the meantime, I'll return the favor by following more blogs myself. But right now, it's time to write!


  1. Done! And I'll do a little linky luv in tomorrow's blog.

  2. OK, OK, OK...I'm in. :)

  3. Dude, following is kewl. I follow about a billion blogs. So follow everyone!

  4. I'm in....

  5. Our birthdays are 2 days apart - I'm on the 30th! Thanks for putting this out there - and I would probably want to follow even without the contest, just so you know! :)

  6. Whoo, I love the Follow widget!
