
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Alex Meets the Easter Bunny

Despite the nasty weather last night, we felt like going out for a bit. We'd heard about a play area in a nearby mall, so we took Alex there. It was a big area, with little slides and bridges and other structures (Looney Tunes characters) for kids to climb on. Unfortunately, it was also very crowded with lots of bigger, older kids who weren't paying attention to what other kids were doing. (It didn't help that their parents weren't paying attention.) Alex enjoyed going down the slide and exploring oversized marbles, but after he got knocked over a couple of times, we decided it was time to leave.

We went around the mall a bit and came across the Easter Bunny. We hadn't taken Alex to see Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny yet, since we weren't sure how he'd react. We decided to give it a try. It helped that we didn't have to wait very long. I thought about changing his shirt but was afraid he wouldn't cooperate. Alex didn't put up a fuss at being given to the Easter Bunny; he just kept on munching some Cheerios. He didn't cry either, but he didn't really smile. The best we got out of him was a slight smirk. We ordered a few pictures anyway. I don't think we have any digital versions of the picture; otherwise, I'd post it.

1 comment:

  1. No crying? Wow. I remember my mom telling me I freaked the first time I saw the Easter bunny up close.

    It must have made an impression upon me because I never have taken my girls to see the Easter bunny. :-)
