
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Work In Progress Wednesday

Kate's idea of doing a weekly progress report has caught on with other Blog Chain members. Here's a quick summary of where I'm at with Across Two Universes:

Currently on: Chapter Four, page 55-56 (at the end of page 55)
Total pages: 434
Total words: Approximately 104,000

I think I'll finish Chapter Four before the end of the month.

I've sent the first two chapters to two readers for feedback.

I've entered the Drop the Needle critfest on Miss Snark's First Victim. My chapter ending (from Chapter Two) will post tomorrow. It'll be #50 if you want to check it out.

Time to get back to work; I have more chapter endings to crit.


  1. Awesome work!!! I am planning to do a WIP Weds recap starting next week...I figure it will motivate me to work (At least I hope it will).

  2. Oooh, I'll be sure to check out your stuff on MSFV. BTW, I'm #19...

  3. Oooh, I will check out your entry on MSFV. BTW, I'm #19...

  4. Wow you are making great progress with your revisions! Very cool that you enterered MSFV's contest - I will have to go check that out!
