
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Work In Progress Wednesday

I got the idea for this post from Kate. She plans to report her progress on, well, her work-in-progress, every week. As I've said before, I'm currently revising Across Two Universes. I'm trying to revise/rewrite two chapters each month, working mostly on my lunch hour. I'm rewriting a lot more than I expected--or perhaps I should have expected it, seeing as that's my usual method of revising. I'm currently on the first scene of Chapter Four, which I'm changing. There will be at least one more new scene in this chapter, which may lead to changing another scene and dropping another--I'm not sure yet. I'm not counting words because I'm more interested in chapters at this point. I should search for a chapter count meter, if that exists.

I have an idea for a short story I'd like to enter in a contest next month, but I haven't had much time to work on it.

Anyway, back to writing....


  1. Great job - and with writing at lunch! I m impressed. Keep up the good work.

  2. I admire your slow and steady pace. I need to get some of your patience. Do they sell it somewhere? :)

  3. Yeah, I am so glad you joined me in WIP Weds!

    I actually also have some plans to work on a short story or two once I finish the first draft of my novel.
