
Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Walk in Lilacia Park

Lilacs are one of my favorite flowers. I didn't get to see much of them last year since I was in my third trimester and couldn't get around very well. This year, we introduced Alex to the lilacs at Lilacia Park. The lilac season is past its peak, but there were still plenty of bushes in bloom. As you can see below, there were also lots of tulips too.


  1. How pretty! We have a Lilacia Park right by us too. I didn't know there was another one up where you live.

  2. Actually, it's the Lilacia Park in Lombard. Isn't that where you are? We left before the parade, otherwise we might have run into you.

  3. Beauty and Cutie Patootie ;)

  4. Hi, YES - I live right in Lombard! Lilacia Park is only about a mile or so from me. If I would've known you were coming, I could've met up with you for a while to say hello!
