
Thursday, July 13, 2006

To Tell or Not To Tell

The time I've had to work on Lennon's Line lately has been shrinking, unfortunately. If I've spent a half hour on it every day this week, that's saying a lot. I can only blame myself for that; I goof around too much on the computer playing games, checking out my forums, and reading blogs. Still, I'm making some progress; I'm almost to the end of Part One. Now I'm trying to figure out some plot points.

Background: the heroine of this part of the story, Jo, has become involved with a fellow scientist, George, onboard the spaceship that took her back in time through a wormhole. Her mission is to retrieve John Lennon's DNA to clone him and create a new rock star. She doesn't approve of this idea, so she volunteers to become the surrogate mother and raise the child--as an individual in his own right. In the first version of this story, Jo told George right away, and he supported her. In this version, I've had her keep it a secret from him until she actually gets pregnant. Now they're at the point where she needs to tell him, and I'm not sure how he should react. This is particularly important because they do wind up together, and I want to show that they have what it takes to make a marriage last. But I feel that it would create problems for them down the line if either kept big secrets from the other. So right now I'm stuck between a version with no conflict and one with a possibly unstable relationship. The third option would be for Jo to tell George her plans, let him object at first, and then have him change his mind later on. But then I have to change a detail in Part Two, and I'm not sure this idea is more stable than the second option.

I'm going to have to mull this one over for a bit before I decide. Anyone want to throw in his or her two cents while I'm thinking? (And I do mean everyone, not just the writers.)

1 comment:

  1. I think he would be angry. Justifyably so, to start with, that she didn't trust him with her plans. But, if he knows her well enough he would/should understand. Men do feel very left out when they haven't had a part in making a child, so it would hurt. Ideally and romatically he should say, there there, dear, it's okay, I'll support you, but for that I guess he needs a strong motive. That motive could purely be love for Jo.

    You know about adoption, and that's basically what George would be doing - adopting a child, and it does take a special person to do that. So. Is he special? I think he is. We've talked in our family about adopting an underpriviledged child and the first thing you ask yourself is - how would I treat that child, because, it isn't mine, born of my body. I wouldn't have a problem with that, and nor would hubby, but many folk do. From how you've described George, I don't think he would either.

    hope that helps,


