
Sunday, June 25, 2006

Graduation Party

Eugene and I went to a graduation party today for my first cousin once removed (i.e., my cousin's daughter--I had to look up the exact relation), Maria. She finished high school a couple of weeks ago. I don't get to see my cousins too often, just for big events like the wedding last year, so it was good to see my aunt and uncle and cousins. My parents were also there, but they showed up over 90 minutes late because Dad had to finish watching the soccer game first. No wonder Eugene and my dad get along so well. I also met a couple of my old neighbors from when we lived in Elmhurst, including the woman who threw a baby shower for me. The food was very good; it should be, as my cousin-in-law owns a restaurant in town. I haven't been there for a while; we need to stop in sometime. We talked about getting the family together at a Japanese steakhouse sometime. Hopefully we can actually do this instead of just talking about it. I don't have any pictures of the party on my own camera, but Eugene took some. I can post them when he sends them to me.

Writing: After staring at a section of Lennon's Line that I've been having problems with, I stuck with what I had and decided to keep going. I can't really judge how well it works; I'll leave that to my reviewers. I should have a couple of chapters for Heather in the next couple of days.


  1. "a woman who threw a baby shower for me"? Would that be the same as "a woman who threw me a baby shower"? Huh, did I miss something here. I read your blog daily, did I miss some really fantastic news? Inquiring minds want to know :)

  2. Whoops, so much for clarity of writing. This woman threw a baby shower for my mother when I was born. It wasn't a shower for a baby of my own. Sorry for the confusion. But yeah, I'm sure when Eugene and I have a kid that it will make the blog eventually.

  3. Hahahaha!!! Sandra, thank you for clarifying :) Very cute. Can't wait to see you two in NY.
