
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

WisCon Prep

Ah, yes, my favorite time of year is quickly approaching... WisCon. In a few days, I'll be up in Madison at the Concourse Hotel, attending panels on science fiction, meeting people, visiting the Farmer's Market and State Street and hopefully seeing our friends from college...I can't wait. The weather should be good this year, which makes it even better. It's a little soon to start packing, but I'm already running some errands I need to get done beforehand. I'll be on a panel called "Science, Hard Science Fiction, and Women," so I've been doing some research on women in science on the Net. Here's an interesting site with biographies of women scientists. I'm still looking for a good site with statistics about women and science education; maybe I can search for that tomorrow. It's a little late tonight to get started on that. Plus there are some household chores that need to be done before Friday, like laundry, and I'm not sure if I'll get the oil changed in my car before I drive up. It would be worth doing, but I've put it off a bit long. I still haven't decided if I'm going to volunteer for anything or bring a gown for the fancy dress party on Sunday night (it would be fun but more stuff to haul with me). And Sara, has Eugene e-mailed you yet about getting together over the weekend? He said he would. I feel like I need a "willy-nilly" smilie to show me getting ready. No wonder I haven't made much headway with acutal writing. I'm still reviewing the plot of Lennon's Line and deciding what I want to do with that. But right now I should check in on Eugene....


  1. A "willy-nilly smilie?

    ...OK, I'll bite. What is a willy-nilly smilie?

  2. One that runs around flailing its arms. I've seen it on one of the forums that I belong to. I'm not sure I can get it to work outside of the forum, or I'd post an example.

  3. Hi Sandra: No, I haven't heard anything from Eugene. We have plans to see X3 at 7:40pm on Saturday evening at Point Cinemas. (if you want to buy tickets online and join us, you are welcome).

    I am not sure about plans for Sunday, but I'm putting on a picnic on Monday evening. That might be a little late for you guys...
