
Friday, May 12, 2006

Where I've Been...

In front of the computer, of couse. I just haven't had time to blog. For the last three nights, I've had chapters to crit, and once I finished them, I either goofed off with a game or worked on my outline for Lennon's Line until bedtime. I figured today I should post early so I do it. I'm into the second part now, re-reading as I go along. (The first part I could practically outline without looking at the text.) I have some ideas for things I may change, but I'm getting to the point where I'd like to get the story out to publishers and agents. OK, it's not quite there yet, but I would like to free myself up to do other things.

Not much news to report. The weekend is supposed to be cold and rainy, so I doubt we'll do much besides chores. We're taking my mother-in-law out for dinner tomorrow for her birthday and Mother's Day (we gave my mom her card and gift last week). Tonight we're going to watch Mystery Science Theater 3000; it's the one with Santa and the Martians. Last Friday we watched MST3K with Manos: The Hands of Fate. I wonder if tonight's movie can surpass that one in dreadfulness. At least I'll get to spend some quality time with Eugene and work on my afghan.

OK, time for a quick game or two before I start dinner.


  1. We had a chance of snow today. SNOW!!!!!! I don't want to know if it happened.

  2. Wait, is this the "S A N T A C L A U S Hooray for Santee-Claus" movie with Pia Zadora? Svengoolie shows that too. Dammit now I'm going to have the song in my head.

  3. Yeah, Sabrina, unfortunately it is that movie. It wasn't quite as awful as Manos, but the costuming was much worse. Eugene broke out laughing at the polar bear suit, and the Martians were pretty bad too.
