
Sunday, May 28, 2006

Catching up with WisCon

I was so busy I didn't have a chance to post yesterday. Eugene and I started the day early with a quick swim and soak in the whirlpool, then we went to the Farmer's Market. We stocked up on lots of jam and honey; I also bought myself a sprig of lily of the valley since I love the scent so much. We also ate breakfast there; I had a fruit-and-cream crepe. I went to one panel on how changing modes of communication are affecting literature before we had lunch. Although there were some interesting panels right after lunch, I took some time off to review notes for my panel. I think I said before my panel was on fiction, hard science fiction, and women. There were about 25-30 people attending, and they were very interested in the subject. They had a lot of questions and comments, which made for an interesting discussion. At the end, I showed some material I found on the Net (bios of women scientists and a list of science fiction writers) to some of the audience members. Afterwards, I attended a panel on feminist romance to learn more about that. That was also interesting. Eugene and I then had sushi for dinner and walked around campus for a bit. Unfortunately, my sandals weren't quite up for the walk, but at least I didn't get blisters. I attended part of the auction (the first time I've gone to it even though I've been at several WisCons), then wrote a haiku to get a pair of earrings at one of the parties. Eugene and I went out for frozen yoghurt and hung out with some of our friends until 1:00 a.m., when I keeled over. We slept in late today, so I missed the first session but still made it to a panel on childrearing and science fiction. After lunch, I went to another panel on the differences between "breeders" and "broads," then to one on reading vs. sex. I left that one early to attend the Strange Horizons tea party, where I met one of Sue's friends. Now I'm sitting in on a panel on technology and disability in SF, but I'll have to leave that one early so we can have dinner with college friends. When I have more time, I'll post some pictures. I may also post notes from panels on my website. Till later....

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