
Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Would You Rather....

Listen to me talk about my still-nonfunctional laptop, or hear about the game we played at work today? OK, that's not a true Zobmondo question, but at least it serves to introduce this post. Russ and Sara may remember this game; Eugene and I brought it to the annual Thanksgiving dinner a couple of years ago. If you're not familiar with it, this games poses dilemnas to the players, who then have to choose one of the options presented to them. I brought this into work today, since we've been playing Uno so long we could discuss it on our resumes. It was a little hard to play, since we were short a person (the game calls for at least four people), but we made it work. The biggest problem with playing at work are the Challenges (tasks you must complete to advance a level). Some of them aren't work-appropriate, and some of my co-workers struggle to find alternatives. But the game does make lunch fly by. And no, no one has chosen to pick his or her nose yet. (Brian, are you reading this?)

In other news, I have a replacement motherboard for my poor laptop; now I just need to find someone to put it in. I can add memory, but this is more complicated and not something I want to try at home. Eugene and I are still sharing his computer, so I'm just keeping up with crits on OWW. Hopefully someday I'll have time to work on my own projects; I was lucky today to find a few minutes to edit Lennon's Line. This really hasn't been my month so far....

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