
Sunday, April 16, 2006

Drive and Eat

It seems that's all we did today as we celebrated Easter with both families. First Eugene and I drove up to Wisconsin to have lunch with my parents. It was pretty windy; I had to keep both hands on the wheel to keep the car in the lane. Heidi was happy to see us as usual, but she didn't insist on playing as much as she normally does. Either she was distracted by the weather (a storm passed through), or she's getting old like the rest of us. We had lamb for lunch, so I brought along a spinach and feta bread that was supposed to go well with it. Mom gave me a couple of early birthday presents: a silver Imagine pendant and a Beatles T-shirt. I guess she knows my tastes pretty well. ;) We hung around longer than we meant to due to the storm; even so, we wound up driving into it on the way back. We had dinner with Eugene's family at his aunt's house; they served ham, soup, and several traditional Filipino dishes. I watched a movie with Eugene's cousins while he gathered data about the family history. We got home around 8:00 and headed straight for our computers. I'm still not done with my crit of Sue's latest chapter, but I did a few other things as well.


  1. Sounds as if you had fun with both families and plenty to eat ;) Sandra, I didn't know you were a spring baby too ;) When is your big day :)

    Lamb, spinach and feta cheese, sounds as if you guys had a Greek Easter with your family yesterday ;)

    Yesterday my family and I celebrated Palm Sunday. Our (Greek Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox) Easter is on April 23, this year.

  2. Hi Dear NYer,

    My birthday is next Friday, April 28. I know several people with birthdays this week, including our good friend Russ. Heh heh heh...

    Hope you have a good Easter on the 23! That's supposed to be Shakespeare's birthday.

  3. Hey, I'm NICE to people on their birthdays. Ask Sara or the Dear New Yorker.

  4. I guess I better play nice; otherwise, I'm afraid what you'll post next week! ;)
