
Sunday, April 30, 2006


That's what today turned out to be, thanks to the rain. We started with the laundry; we bring it down right away when we work out in the morning. We were done with that by about noon. I have to confess that Laundry Day is a sore test of our marriage: we... we... we throw our clothes at each other. Sometimes we even hit each other, although Eugene has a better success rate at that than I do. Hopefully this won't require us to seek counseling, because the laughter ought to be therapy enough.

After we finished the laundry, we ran a few errands at the mall, then cured our protein deficiency with a Sam's Club run. By the time we finished bagging pork chops, chicken breasts, ground turkey, steak, salmon, catfish, and probably some other types of meat that I'm forgetting about, our freezer was quite packed. But we won't have to shop like that for a while. I also picked up something for work while we were out. I did some editing on Lennon's Line earlier, but that was it. Time for me to stop procrastinating and get some more work done. But before I go, I'll post a picture of the roses Eugene gave me on Friday. They opened up rather amazingly.

1 comment:

  1. Very beautiful!!! I love the colors.
