
Friday, March 03, 2006

Is It the 3rd or the 13th?

It feels more like Friday the 13th than the 3rd. After starting my experiment right after breakfast and carefully tending it through the morning and early afternoon, it failed to work. I think what happened is I added some ingredients we've been using in the lab, and they didn't work with this recipe. I had to discard everything and call it a day, though I actually went to work for an hour so I could report what happened and obtain some new materials so I can repeat this project on Monday. Also, the endless string of zeroes happened to me twice more. I scanned my computer but didn't find any viruses or spyware. Hopefully it's not a hardware problem that will force me to send my computer in for service. But the worst thing of all didn't happen to me or even Eugene (who got stuck in traffic on the way home). We found out that a friend's brother died yesterday. I don't know what happened or how old he was, but that does make my problems trivial. But as proof that the circle of life continues to spin, we received a Save-the-Date from another friend for her wedding in June. (Save-the-dates are "pre-invitations" brides send out well ahead of invitations so guests can clear their schedules.) Also, despite all of this, I managed to write 681 words for Key. Whether or not these are good words remains to be seen, but that's another marathon. And besides, now it's time to see if Eugene is far enough along in his baking to watch our Friday night movie. Are you coming, dear?


  1. I hope to goodness you have one of those flash drive thingies. Save it NOW, Sandra, just in case, then is doesn't matter. or copy files and send them to Eugene's comp and you can just transfer them back when your comp is fixed.


  2. Good point, Sue. I do have a flash drive, so I'd better do a backup. Thanks for the reminder.
