
Wednesday, December 07, 2005

There's No Such Thing As a Free Lunch

There's not much I can say about the actual work I do, since I don't want to have to kill anyone brave enough to read this blog. ;) I think I won't violate any confidentiality agreements to say that today we got to have a free lunch, courtesy of our landlord. (We lease our office space.) The meal consisted of breadsticks, chicken breasts (can't really describe how they were prepared), Swedish meatballs (too salty), mixed veggies (mostly green beans), and mashed potatoes, with chocolate cake and chocolate chip cookies for dessert. The buffet was in another building, so I and my co-workers had to go pick up our food and bring it back to our place. (Something else it's safe for me to say is that we play Uno during lunch.) While we picked up our food, I looked at a tree in the lobby. It had "wish lists" for the holidays from needy children. I picked up a tag from a six-year-old girl and went shopping for her after work. I got her a sweater, a pair of pants, a pair of shoes, socks, and a Pet Doctor Barbie. I'd been thinking of doing something to help others during the holiday season anyway, so this was a good way to do it. Now I just have to remember to stop by and drop off the gifts tomorrow before I head into work. Just call me Sandra Clause. ;)


  1. Not to be a nitpicky editor-like person, but did you spell Claus incorrectly? ;))))

    In all seriousness, you have done your good deed for the Holidays.

  2. The sad thing is I can't even blame it on watching too many Tim Allen movies. ;) Should I fall on my red pen now?

  3. Nah, too messy. Besides, most of the editing nowadays is with the delete key on the computer.

  4. Well, there's nothing dramatic about falling onto a delete key, unless it's my head smashing into the keyboard as I collapse from fatigue. Now if I could only figure out how to edit posts after they've been published....

  5. Well, I guess falling on your laptop is out of the question. At least you don't use white out.

  6. I much prefer that kind of spontaneous giving than the really annoying phone calls to send some needy child somewhere or other. We should be able to choose such things without pressure. So,nicely done on that one, I'm sure it will be appreciated. As for Eugene - sheesh!

  7. Lol, I should sign my name when I write something, I guess. I forget cos I'm automatically 'Makoiyi' elsewhere.
