
Wednesday, March 05, 2025

IWSG: If I Could Be...

The year has marched into March, which means it's time for another Insecure Writer's Support Group post. Learn more about the IWSG on their website or Facebook.

Our hosts this month are Ronel Janse Van Vuuren, Pat Garcia, and Liza Carens Salerno

Our question for this month is an interesting one: If for one day you could be anyone or anything in the world, what would it be? Describe, tell why, and any themes, values, or goals they/it inspire in you.

I'd like to be a bird--perhaps a crow, since they're particularly playful and intelligent. I think you could learn a lot from experiencing such a different way of interacting with the world, especially since I'm currently writing a story that features a raven shifter. I think being able to fly would feel very freeing.

Here's a link to a bonus video inspired by the question: the Thompson Twins playing "King for a Day."

What would you like to be for a day? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.